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Film Twister (1996) Online Streaming


TV weatherman Bill Harding is trying to get his tornado-hunter wife, Jo, to sign divorce papers so he can marry his girlfriend Melissa. But Mother Nature, in the form of a series of intense storms sweeping across Oklahoma, has other plans. Soon the three have joined the team of stormchasers as they attempt to insert a revolutionary measuring device into the very heart of several extremely violent tornados.

The Dark Side of Nature.

Movie details Twister

Release : 1996-05-09
Genre : Action, Adventure, Disaster, Drama
Runtime : 113 minutes
Company : Warner Bros. Pictures


Helen HuntasDr. Jo Harding
Bill PaxtonasBill Harding
Cary ElwesasDr. Jonas Miller
Jami GertzasDr. Melissa Reeves
Philip Seymour HoffmanasDustin Davis
Lois SmithasMeg Greene
Alan RuckasRobert 'Rabbit' Nurick
Sean WhalenasAllan Sanders
Scott ThomsonasJason 'Preacher' Rowe
Todd FieldasTim 'Beltzer' Lewis
Joey SlotnickasJoey
Wendle JosepherasHaynes
Jeremy DaviesasLaurence
Zach GrenierasEddie
Gregory SporlederasWillie

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Full cast and crew for the film, company credits, external reviews, plot summary, memorable quotes, merchandising links and other information from the Internet Movie ...
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Tornado - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A tornado is a violently rotating column of air that is in contact with both the surface of the earth and a cumulonimbus cloud or, in rare cases, the base of a ...

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